Today I received a lovely message from Alethea over at The Power of Pretty (x) saying she had nominated me for the Liebster Award. It's such a lovely award and an absolute pleasure to read the answers to the questions posed I always think.
Those are the rules so, on with the questions.
11 Questions
It was on the recommendation of my doctor actually which is kind of weird. I'd always wanted to do it and I'd read them for four years but he encouraged me to do it for my gap year.
I don't have one at the moment but hopefully I'll have a part time one soon, although I guess a student will count for next year right? I'm a gap year student ha. (Probs not but it's my rules so it totally does)
Yes I have a chihuahua named violet who is the cutest thing in the whole world. Ugh I literally spend my whole day kissing and cuddling her.
4. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I love to read, write, talk to my friends, go for walks, watch tv (casually pretending I'm not obsessed as I actually am) and play around with make up. Oh and hang with my family.
5. What is your favorite store to shop at?
John Lewis. It's so fun in there. It's like wonderland. Not that I actually buy that much from there... So in terms of buying probably Topshop or Primark? No I take that back it's totally boots.
6. What can you NOT live without?
My phone. I panic so much when I don't have it. It's literally attached to me at all times. It's honestly tragic. And my family. I love those guys a lot. And you know water and food and some form of shelter.
7. What music do you enjoy?
Pop and country mainly but I like to mix it up a lot.
8.What are your goals for this year?
Get a part time job for some amount of time, and try to read a book a month rather than like twenty...
9.Who is your favorite blogger?
Big time bloggers I'd say Lily Pebbles because it's so fab that she writes everyday and I also love the way she writes.
But Kal over at Cluttered Closet (x) makes me want to buy everything. Total nightmare.
10. What is your dream career?
I'd love to be a full time novelist. Or an editor for a publishing house, I weirdly love editing.
11. Are you an online shopper or in-store kind of gal?
I like to mix it up with a bit of both. Make Up I prefer to buy in store and some clothes, but sales are definitely better online ha.
11 facts
1. I'm obsessed with a lot of tv shows.
2. I'm pretty sure I annoy everybody including myself
3. I've never had a 'real' boyfriend
4. My favourite animal is the Elephant
5. I hate driving and other drivers
6. For some bizarre reason I have three email accounts
7. MailOnline Celebrity is my guilty pleasure, I really like to rewrite the headlines
8. I love twitter for stalking celebrities
9. I'm writing a novel at the moment that I'm halfway through
10. I used to know nearly (I mean like two lines less) all the lines of every episode of friends.
11. I still know all the lines to Notting Hill by heart.
11 People.
I'm kinda cheating a little bit here because some of them have more than 200 followers but I still think they deserve it.
1. Rinica
2. Alice
3. Rhianna
4. Annie
5. Rebecca
11. Hollie
11 Questions for you.
1. Who is your celebrity crush?
2. Film or TV?
3. Guilty Pleasure?
4. How long have you been blogging?
5. Twitter or Instagram?
6. Do you have a job?
7. If you could have anyone's life whose would it be?
8. Who do you look up to the most IRL?
9. What kind of phone do you have?
10. Earphones or Headphones?
11. Favourite Take Away?
Loved your answers Annie and thanks so much for the nomination honey xx