Day Out Golden Hinde

A Night & A Day in London


The Golden Hinde II

Last Friday evening (the 19th) I travelled to London with a friend to celebrate Talk like a Pirate Day on the Golden Hinde II. It was ofcourse a pirate party, so fancy dress was a must. I thought I'd share a few of the small number of pictures I took that night. The Golden Hinde II is a replica of  Sir Francis Drake's original ship. So last Friday I was on a pirate ship dressed as a pirate at a pirate party. Cool. I know. You probably think that's really sad but it was actually really fun and hey we won (well one of us did) the treasure hunt. (Please excuse the dreadful selfies)

Oxford Street, Soho & Highbury

Two days ago (Wednesday) I went to visit my best friend on her day off in London. We split our time between Oxford Street, Regent Street, Lunch in Soho Square and Highbury Fields. Oxford Street proved to have a lot of laughter (especially in Urban Outfitters) and a particularly awful experience in the New Look shoe department there. Soho was obviously filled with a lot of chatter and the spotting of far too many look-a-likes of people we used to know. Highbury was spent relaxing in the sun and watching YouTube videos. All in all a fabulous day in great company.

Annie Rose XOXO

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